Giving CGI::Application internationalization (I18N) part3

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Giving CGI::Application internationalization (I18N)

Part 3

Lets look at the remaining functions of Catalyst::Plugin::I18N and what they are doing.

sub languages {
    my ( $c, $languages ) = @_; ### Getting the catalyst object and languages to set to it.
    if ($languages) { $c->{languages} = $languages } ### Setting the objects languages property if languages passed in
    else {
        $c->{languages} ||= [
    } ### Otherwise detects users language tags using I18N::LangTags::Detect and make sure all superordinates are included using I18N::LangTags::implicate_supers (if the objects languages property is empty)
    no strict 'refs';
    &{ ref($c) . '::_loc_lang' }( @{ $c->{languages} } ); ### Call Locale::Maketext::Simple's loc_lang function from the calling objects namespace setting the languages
    return $c->{languages};
sub language {
    my $c = shift;
    my $class = ref $c || $c; ### Getting the objects package name

    my $lang = ref "$class\::I18N"->get_handle( @{ $c->languages } ); ### Bipassing Locale::Maketext::Simple and calling Locale::Maketext's get_handle routine directly, returning a language handle object.
    $lang =~ s/.*:://; ### Which is then stripped to give you the name of the lexicon that is actually being used.

    return $lang;

sub language_tag {
    my $c = shift;
    my $class = ref $c || $c;

    return "$class\::I18N"->get_handle( @{ $c->languages } )->language_tag; ### Similar to above, but returning the language tag name as opposed to the

At first these two functions appeared to be needlessly creating a new language handle to get the required info. I thought Locale::Maketext::Simple must already have a language handle it's using, why not just access that. But when I looked deeper at the Locale::Maketext::Simple code, it seemed that handle wouldn't be easy to access at all, if even possible...

*loc = \&localize; ### Make the glob of loc a reference to the subroutine localize

sub localize {
    my $c = shift; ### Get catalyst object
    $c->languages; ### Sets the language on each call??? Seems a bit much...
    no strict 'refs';
    return &{ ref($c) . '::_loc' }( $_[0], @{ $_[1] } )
      if ( ref $_[1] eq 'ARRAY' ); ### Returns the output of the _loc routine (Locale::Maketext::Simple version of maketext), automatically dereferences array references passed as the second arguement
    return &{ ref($c) . '::_loc' }(@_); ### Returns the output of the _loc routine (Locale::Maketext::Simple version of maketext)

Here is the bit that actually displays the text. It links up the glob so that loc can be used as well as localize (that's why they've renamed Locale::Maketext::Simple's loc export to _loc).

Again none of these things are exported as they would need to be in CGI::App so I'm assuming Catalyst does this by default. Here are my routines:-

sub localtext_langs {
    my ($self, $langs) = @_;
    if ($langs){
        $self->{__I18N_LANGS} = $langs;
    else {
        ### Get CGI query object
        my $q = $self->query();
        $self->{__I18N_LANGS} = [
        ] unless $self->{__I18N_LANGS};
    no strict 'refs';
    &{ ref($self) . '::_maketext_lang' }( @{ $self->{__I18N_LANGS} } );
    return $self->{__I18N_LANGS};

sub localtext_lang {
    my $self = shift;
    my $class = ref $self || $self;

    my $lang = ref "$class\::I18N"->get_handle( @{ $self->localtext_langs } );
    $lang =~ s/.*:://;

    return $lang;

sub localtext_lang_tag {
    my $self = shift;
    my $class = ref $self || $self;

    return "$class\::I18N"->get_handle( @{ $self->localtext_langs } )->localtext_lang_tag;

sub localtext {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->localtext_langs unless $self->{__I18N_LANGS};
    no strict 'refs';
    return &{ ref($self) . '::_maketext' }( $_[0], @{ $_[1] } ) if ( ref $_[1] eq 'ARRAY' );
    return &{ ref($self) . '::_maketext' }(@_);

I'll export all these by default so the CGI::App object can have them as methods.

Again I have to stress that all this is completely untested. My next post should have some tests, and most likely fixes...


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This page contains a single entry by Lyle published on December 30, 2008 11:43 PM.

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